Call for Abstracts: 22nd Intergroup Meeting in and around Jena "NATIONAL IDENTIY: ITS NATURE, CAUSES, AND CONSEQUENCES"
Dear colleagues and friends,
In this meeting we will discuss theoretical approaches and ongoing empirical work on what makes national group identities (e.g., language, culture, essentialized categorization, glorification, narcissism, national ideological polarization, etc.) unique. We will also examine the determinants of national identification (e.g., economic competition, values threats etc.) and its consequences (e.g., societal solidarity, national cohesion) within and between groups (e.g., prejudice, preference for national to international policies). Finally, we will also focus on attempts to compare different identities to better understand the unique features that link national identity and nationalism.
When: June 30th - July 2nd 2022
Where: Castle Eyba/Saalfeld (Germany)
http://www.schlosshotel-eyba.de/de/Externer Link
Submission: April 15th, 2022
Submission instructions: We invite a maximum of 300 word abstracts from researchers of all career stages interested in the intersection of intergroup relations and national identitiy
Anticipated costs: A participation fee will be charged which includes bus shuttle from Jena to Eyba and back, accommodation and full board. It will be 100€ for PhD students, and 200€ for post-doctoral participants.
We encourage interested attendees to reach out to myself Clemens Lindner (clemens.lindner@uni-jena.de) or Thomas Kessler (thomas.kessler@uni-jena.de) if they have questions or want to briefly discuss the suitability of their topic.
We hope to see you in Jena,
Clemens Lindner & Thomas Kessler, Friedrich Schiller University Jena